here is a video of hiroshima..the only building left few parts after the us airforce bomb in hirosima city 1945 aug 6 8:15 am...
this is the video of imagination of the city which after the us arm airforce bombing has 2nd world war 1945...
Oct 7, 2007
Sep 17, 2007
Aug 27, 2007
my uncle in paris....

मानिसको जीवन बडो अचम्मको छ । सोलुखुम्बुको केरूङ्ग गाविसमा जन्म, काठमाडौंमा उच्च शिक्षा र फ्रान्समा कर्म । यो संयोग पेम्बा शेपाको जीवनमा मिलेको छ । उनले पेरिसमा आएर बसोबास थालेको २८ बर्षपूरा भइसकेको छ भने २६ वर्षभयो फ्रान्सेली महिलास"ग विवाहवन्धनमा बा"धिएको ।
उनको जन्म सोलुखुम्बुको केरूङ्गमा वि.स. २०१३ सालमा भएको थियो । उनको बाल्यकाल गाउ"मै बितेको थियो । उनले माध्यमिक तहसम्मको अध्ययन गाउ"तिरै सिध्याए । सोलुखुम्बुको सल्लेरीबाट सन् १९७० मा एसएलसी पास गरेर उनी उच्च शिक्षाका लागि काठमाडौं आए । सन् १९७७ मा उनले त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयबाट शिक्षामा स्नातक गरे । क्याम्पस पढ्दै गर्दा र पछि पनि उनी ट्रेकिङ जान थालिसकेका थिए, पर्यटकलाई लिएर । उनले नटराज ट्राभल्समा पनि केही महिना उपत्यकाका लागि गाइडको काम गरे । त्यतिबेलै उनी हिमालय क्षेत्रको उत्कृष्ट गाइडका रूपमा परिचित पनि भएका थिए । यसै क्रममा उनले सन् १९७३ मा एक फ्रान्सेली जोडीलाई हिमालतिर घुमाउन लगे । त्यही फ्रान्सेली जोडीस"गको चिनजानका कारण उनलाई फ्रान्समा जाने अवसर प्राप्त भयो । त्यो जोडी फ्रान्स फर्केको केही महिनापछि पेम्बालाई फ्रान्स घुम्न आमन्त्रण गरे । ''''''''उनीहरूले नै मलाई एयर फ्रान्सको टिकटसमेत पठाइदिएका थिए,'''''''' उनी त्यतिबेलाको स्मरण गर्छन् । उनी सन् १९७३ मा फ्रान्स घुम्न निस्किए, तीन महिनाका लागि । पेरिसमा पोलि टेक्निसियनको काम गर्ने एक्सेल लिब्लुवा, जसले पेम्बालाई फ्रान्स घुम्ने व्यवस्था गरेको थियो, उनी अमेरिकाका पूवराष्ट्रपति बिल क्लिन्टनका साथी हुन भन्ने कुरा पेम्बाले धेरै पछिमात्र थाहा पाएका थिए ।
तीन महिना पेरिसमा बिताएर पेम्बा काठमाडौं फर्के । र, उनले सन् १९७४ देखि लगातार ४ बर्षविश्वभाषा क्याम्पसमा फ्रान्सेली भाषा सिके । भाषाको अध्ययन सकेर सन् १९७८ मा उनी पुन फ्रान्स फर्किए । यहा" आएर उनले ''''''''एलियान्स फ्रान्सबाट ''''''''ड्रि्री सुपरियर'''''''' प्राप्त गरे । फ्रान्सेली भाषामा पोख्त भएका पेम्बँले पेरिसस्थित एउटा ट्राभल्स एजेन्सीमा काम पाए । र, यहीको बर्साईको क्रममा पेम्वाले नेपालमा फ्रान्सेली पर्यटक पठाउने काम पनि थाले । तर, यस्ता कामहरूबाट उनी सन्तुष्ट भएनन् र सन् १९८३ मा आफ्नो निजी कम्पनी सुरू गरे- ''''''''शेपा इन्टरप्राइजेज ।'''''''' फ्रान्समा नेपालीहरूले स्थापना गरेको सम्भवतः यो नै सबैभन्दा पुरानो र पहिलो कम्पनी हो । २५ वर्षपुरानो यो कम्पनी अहिले निकै बिस्तार भएको छ र निरन्तर चलिरहेको छ, सफलतापूवक ।
पेरिस आएको दुइ बर्षछि सन् १९८० मा उनले फ्रान्सेली युवती क्याथरिनस"ग बिहे गरे र पारिवारिक जीवन सुरू गरे । अहिले उनीहरूका एक छोरा र एक छोरी छन् । लामो समय वैवाहिक सम्बन्ध टिक्न मुस्किल हुने युरोपमा पेम्बा र क्याथरिनको मायालु जोडीले सफल वैवाहिक जीवनका २६ वर्षबिताइ सकेका छन् ।
पेम्बासग आट छ, आत्मविश्वास छ र आफूले सोचेको काम पूरा गर्ने धैयता र लगनशीलता पनि । सफल उद्यमीका रूपमा पेरिसमा चिनिएका पेम्बा जहाजका पाइलट पनि हुन् । निजी व्यवसायलाई अगाडि बढाउ"दै गर्दा उनले ६ बर्षम्म पाइलटिङ कोर्स पनि गरे र सन् १९९७ मा लाइसेन्स लिए । उनले त्यसपछि केही वर्षप्राइभेट कम्पनीको विमान पनि उडाए । तर, अहिले उनले यो काम छोडिसकेका छन् ।
पेम्बाको काम गर्ने स्वर्ण्र् उमेर पेरिसमै बित्यो । तर, उनी पेरिस मै पुरै जीवन बिताउने सुरमा छैनन् । अवकास लिएपछि नेपालमै गएर बस्ने उनको योजना छ । ''''''''त्यतिबेला मैले पूरा गर्न नसकेको ड्रि्रीको पढाइ पूरा गर्ने विचार गरेको छु,'''''''' उनी नेपालमा अवकासप्राप्त जीवन बिताउ"दाको आफ्नो योजना सुनाउ"छन्, ''''''''सामाजिक सेवामा पनि लाग्नेछु ।''''''''
नेपाली हिरो
पेम्बा साच्चिकै आर्श्चर्यजनक पात्र हुन्, आधुनिक समाजका । उनको चरित्रको अर्को पाटो हो, कलाकारिता । उनी विदेशीले बनाएका लघु चलचित्र र डकुमेन्ट्रीमा खेल्ने एक नेपाली पनि हुन् । विश्व प्रख्यात प्रशारण संस्था बीबीसीले सन् १९९६ मा बनाएको ५५ मिनेट लामो ''''''''हिमालयन यति'''''''' नामक डकुमेन्ट्रीमा पेम्बाले एउटा शेपाको भूमिका निर्वाह गरेका छन् ।
त्यस्तै फ्रान्सको जलस्रोत विभागले बनाएको पानीसम्बन्धी चलचित्र ''''''''पानीको कथा''''''''मा पेम्बाले एस्किमो -भ्कपimय) जातिको मानिसको भूमिका गरेका छन् । असाध्यै जाडो क्षेत्रमा बसोबास गर्ने अविकसित एस्किमो जातिको अनुहार नेपाली शेपास"ग मिल्ने भएकाले उनले यो भूमिका पाएका हुन् ।
''''''''पानीको कथा''''''''को प्रशारण र प्रदर्शन भएपछि उनको फ्रान्समा ख्याति बढ्यो । प|mान्समा नेपालको विषयमा केही बोल्नुपर्यो वा कसैलाई केही जान्नुपर्यो भने सबैले उनैलाई सम्भिmने गरेका छन्, हिजोआज । नेपाललाई बाहिरी जगतस"ग थप चिनाउन उनको यो भूमिका सराहनीय छ । एक नेपालीले प|mान्समा कमाएको प्रख्यातिले नेपालको प्रतिष्ठा बढाएको छ ।
सन् १९९४ मा केही नेपाली मिलेर स्थापना गरिएको एभरेष्ट नेपाल एसोसियसनको उनी अध्यक्ष छन् । फ्रान्समा नेपालीहरू संगठित भएर स्थापना गरेको यो पहिलो संगठन हो । ''जतिबेला नेपाली संघसंस्था छ"दै थिएनन् र नेपाली समुदायसमेत सानो थियो, उतिबेला नेपाली कला र संस्कृतिको जगेनासाथै फ्रान्समा प्रचार गर्ने उद्धेश्यले यो संस्था स्थापना भएको हो,'' संस्था स्थापनाको उद्देश्यबारे पेम्बा भन्छन् ।
पेम्बाको विचारमा नेपालमा औपचारिक शिक्षा लिएकालाई आदर दिने चलन छ तर फ्रान्समा कामलाई उच्च मूल्याकंन र आदर गरिन्छ । उनकै मुखबाट सुनौं, ''''''''पेरिसमा म प्लम्बरको काम पनि गर्छु घरमा रङ लगाउनेदेखि धाराको काम पनि म आफै गर्छु– मलाई यहा" सबैले सम्मान पनि गरेका छन् । तर, यहा" म जे काम गरिरहेको छु, त्यो नेपालमा गरें भने अरूले गिज्याउलान् कि भन्ने डर हुन्छ । पढेलेखेकाले यस्ता काम गर्नु हुदैन भन्ने मान्यता छ, हाम्रो देशमा ।'' उनको विचारमा कामको उचित मूल्याकंन हुन नसकेकैले नेपालको ठूलो जनशक्ति विदेशिएको हो र यो क्रम निरन्तर बढिरहेको उनको आकलन छ ।
उनको संसारकै आकर्ष र सुन्दर शहरमा बस्छन् । तर, उनलाई आफ्नो देश, आफ्नो माटो, गाउठाउको सम्झनाले सधै सताइरहन्छ । काठमाडौंको रञ्जना हलनजिकैको मम पसल र त्यहाको तातो मम सम्भिरहन्छन् उनी । पेरिसको भव्य महलले उनलाई उस्तो आनन्द दिंदैन, बरू सोलुखुम्बुको घरको सम्झनाले धेरै सताउ"छ । ''''''''त्यहा"को हावापानीले जहिले पनि लोभ्याइरहन्छ । खेतिपातीको झझल्को आइरहन्छ,'''''''' उनी भन्छन् । किन धेरै याद आउ"छ त आफ्नो माटोको - ''हाम्रो र यहा"को केही कुरा मिल्दैन । सांस्कृतिक भिन्नता, भाषाको भिन्नता, खानाको भिन्नताले गर्दा बारबार देशको याद आइरहेका होला,'' उनी सुनाउ"छन् ।
विदेशमा बसोबास गर्ने नेपाली विभिन्न अवसरमा भेट हुनासाथ नेपालबारे विचार विमर्श गर्न थालिहाल्छन् । उनीहरू नेपाललाई कसरी विकसित र सशक्त बनाउन सकिन्छ भनेर छलफल गरिरहेका हुन्छन् । मुलुकमा शान्ति आउने हो र विकासको अभियान सुरु हुने हो भने बाहिर बसेका सबै नेपालीले कुनै न कुनै हिसाबले योगदान पुर्याउने उनहिरूको निष्कर्षछ । तर, यस्तो विदेशमा बस्ने नेपालीको भावनालाई अहिलेसम्म कसैले पनि गम्भीरतापूवक नलिएको पेम्बाको आरोप छ । ''''''''सरकारले यस विषयमा केही गर्नुपर्ने हो, तर खै केही भएको छैन,'''''''' उनको गुनासो छ । समृद्ध र शान्त नेपाल निर्माण गर्न सबै भन्दा पहिले शान्ति र राजनीतिक स्थिरता देख्छन् उनी नेपालमा । शान्ति र राजनीतिक स्थिरताको अभावमा नेपाल धेरै पछि पर्ने उनको धारणा छ ।
शरद अधिकारी/पेरिस
Aug 20, 2007
Why Prashant Gets Votes *Great analysis*
Yesterday Sonu Nigam began the show with a lecture to Janta. His message was clearly directed at Prashant’s voters. Javed Akhtar did the same couple of times before. People feel insulted with such lectures. They have their own mind and such comments from the judges only ignite their love for Prashant furthermore. Hence they passionately vote for Prashant.
1. The biases of judges:
Yesterday Sonu Nigam began the show with a lecture to Janta. His message was clearly directed at Prashant’s voters. Javed Akhtar did the same couple of times before. People feel insulted with such lectures. They have their own mind and such comments from the judges only ignite their love for Prashant furthermore. Hence they passionately vote for Prashant.
Also the judges pointed out that the song was easy. But the theme was pop song and Prashant’s choice was not at all easy one. There were only three genuine pop songs yesterday- the ones that Prashant sang, Chang sang and Ankita sang. Others had elements of classical melody and thus gave an extra edge to the singers. But as Javed is prejudiced against Prashant from within, he brought that easy song stuff. This negative attitude quickly fuelled a sense of vulnerability/insecurity to Prashant’s voters. And they voted for him crazily.
2. The stereotyping of the Nepalese in India:
Nepalese Indians, Gurkhas and other Nepalese have significantly contributed for the good of India since centuries. They have fought for India in wars. They have highly contributed in saving lives of the Indian public during 1947 hindu/muslim riots. They have loyally served for the Indian bosses, whether it is in the Army or in the business sector or in the household or street jobs. But in return, they have most of the times received stereotypical banters and humiliation. This unites all the people of Nepalese origin in India for a single cause, whatever it is. Prashant is immensely benefiting from this unity and rightly so.
3. The overlooking of Darjeeling:
After the British left India, Darjeeling has been ignored by the central government. Darjeeling’s tea is one of the most rewarding exports of India, and as much a proud symbol. But very little effort has been made for the uplifting of Darjeeling’s living standard. Development has lost its pace too. The movement for autonomy was crushed and while Jharkhand, Uttaranchal were granted a state status, Darjeeling’s effort was blocked. This also fuels to the frustration of Darjeeling people. They want to see their presence being felt in the central level. And Prashant has, probably for the first time, represented the whole India for Darjeeling. This is a matter of great pride for the Darjeeling people and therefore they vote for him as much as they might be doing now.
4. The bad name for Indian police:
Indian police is also always discredited for its efforts. To maintain law and order in such a big country is a huge huge task. But neither the member of the public, nor the Indian intellectuals respect the police as much as they deserve. Their salaries and benefits are far less than what other public servicemen are getting. The police service is mocked and humiliated time and again. Hence when Prashant takes the stage on behalf of the Indian police, it is a matter of great pride for them. Atlast one of their own is in the media for good reasons and they must be so happy. I don’t think any police official is voting for others than Prashant and rightly so.
5. Prashant’s modesty, appeal and soothing voice:
Prashant is so humble, so innocent, and so genuine in terms of character. He is so original. And his smile appeals. He is a good singer too. He has the gifted voice that fits with the melody of hindi music. His alaap is breathtaking. And he has sung the most versatile of songs. With a little bit of theoretical lessons on Indian suur and raag, he can sing all kind of songs brilliantly.
6. The complacency, laziness and greed of other fans:
Sony TV’s audience must be in the figures of tens of millions. I am sure there are more supporters of Amit or Emon or even other contestants than Prashant in India. The population of Nepalese in India and the population of police is definitely hundreds of folds lesser than that of others. But Prashant’s fans are more serious and they have more at stake than other fans’. It also seems to me that other contestant’s fans are greedier than Prashant’s fans. Why would they spend money when there’s nothing important at stake for them?
However, I firmly believe that Prashant will not win the competition eventually. As more contestants are eliminated, their voters will start voting against Prashant. So when Puja get’s eliminated, Emon will get support from her fans. When Chang gets eliminated, either Emon or Amit will get their support. And so does the trend develops. Even if he gets the most number of votes, Sony will intervene and announce a different winner. Sony is not doing so now because if it ousts Prashant today, it will lose a significant sum of money and rating that’s coming from his voters at present. But if the votes are rigged in the final or even during top 3 elimination, Sony won’t lose too much. The reasons why Sony will not let Prashant to be Indian Idol are as follows:
The public backlash: The majority of Indians cannot accept the fact that someone of Nepalese origin wins the Indian Idol. Same happens if Chang wins the competition. Sony will definitely avoid such backlash.
Prashant’s weaknesses: Prashant is less a performer and more of a singer. Indian Idol has to perform a lot too. Prashant is not a clever chap. He lacks communicating skills. He cannot connect to the stage audience. His Hindi and English language skills are relatively poor. He is shy and doesn’t dance. So he won’t be able to sell the Indian Idol brand.
But Prashant will go on to become a noted playback singer in Indian and Nepali music. Because he can sing very well. He is very sincere and down to earth. He is someone who could be trusted. He won’t be demanding. He is disciplined, dedicated and loyal. And every music directors love to work with such singers. One day sooner than later, Prashant will be singing some Bollywood hits and I am looking forward to that.
credit: (mr_bond from india-forums
1. The biases of judges:
Yesterday Sonu Nigam began the show with a lecture to Janta. His message was clearly directed at Prashant’s voters. Javed Akhtar did the same couple of times before. People feel insulted with such lectures. They have their own mind and such comments from the judges only ignite their love for Prashant furthermore. Hence they passionately vote for Prashant.
Also the judges pointed out that the song was easy. But the theme was pop song and Prashant’s choice was not at all easy one. There were only three genuine pop songs yesterday- the ones that Prashant sang, Chang sang and Ankita sang. Others had elements of classical melody and thus gave an extra edge to the singers. But as Javed is prejudiced against Prashant from within, he brought that easy song stuff. This negative attitude quickly fuelled a sense of vulnerability/insecurity to Prashant’s voters. And they voted for him crazily.
2. The stereotyping of the Nepalese in India:
Nepalese Indians, Gurkhas and other Nepalese have significantly contributed for the good of India since centuries. They have fought for India in wars. They have highly contributed in saving lives of the Indian public during 1947 hindu/muslim riots. They have loyally served for the Indian bosses, whether it is in the Army or in the business sector or in the household or street jobs. But in return, they have most of the times received stereotypical banters and humiliation. This unites all the people of Nepalese origin in India for a single cause, whatever it is. Prashant is immensely benefiting from this unity and rightly so.
3. The overlooking of Darjeeling:
After the British left India, Darjeeling has been ignored by the central government. Darjeeling’s tea is one of the most rewarding exports of India, and as much a proud symbol. But very little effort has been made for the uplifting of Darjeeling’s living standard. Development has lost its pace too. The movement for autonomy was crushed and while Jharkhand, Uttaranchal were granted a state status, Darjeeling’s effort was blocked. This also fuels to the frustration of Darjeeling people. They want to see their presence being felt in the central level. And Prashant has, probably for the first time, represented the whole India for Darjeeling. This is a matter of great pride for the Darjeeling people and therefore they vote for him as much as they might be doing now.
4. The bad name for Indian police:
Indian police is also always discredited for its efforts. To maintain law and order in such a big country is a huge huge task. But neither the member of the public, nor the Indian intellectuals respect the police as much as they deserve. Their salaries and benefits are far less than what other public servicemen are getting. The police service is mocked and humiliated time and again. Hence when Prashant takes the stage on behalf of the Indian police, it is a matter of great pride for them. Atlast one of their own is in the media for good reasons and they must be so happy. I don’t think any police official is voting for others than Prashant and rightly so.
5. Prashant’s modesty, appeal and soothing voice:
Prashant is so humble, so innocent, and so genuine in terms of character. He is so original. And his smile appeals. He is a good singer too. He has the gifted voice that fits with the melody of hindi music. His alaap is breathtaking. And he has sung the most versatile of songs. With a little bit of theoretical lessons on Indian suur and raag, he can sing all kind of songs brilliantly.
6. The complacency, laziness and greed of other fans:
Sony TV’s audience must be in the figures of tens of millions. I am sure there are more supporters of Amit or Emon or even other contestants than Prashant in India. The population of Nepalese in India and the population of police is definitely hundreds of folds lesser than that of others. But Prashant’s fans are more serious and they have more at stake than other fans’. It also seems to me that other contestant’s fans are greedier than Prashant’s fans. Why would they spend money when there’s nothing important at stake for them?
However, I firmly believe that Prashant will not win the competition eventually. As more contestants are eliminated, their voters will start voting against Prashant. So when Puja get’s eliminated, Emon will get support from her fans. When Chang gets eliminated, either Emon or Amit will get their support. And so does the trend develops. Even if he gets the most number of votes, Sony will intervene and announce a different winner. Sony is not doing so now because if it ousts Prashant today, it will lose a significant sum of money and rating that’s coming from his voters at present. But if the votes are rigged in the final or even during top 3 elimination, Sony won’t lose too much. The reasons why Sony will not let Prashant to be Indian Idol are as follows:
The public backlash: The majority of Indians cannot accept the fact that someone of Nepalese origin wins the Indian Idol. Same happens if Chang wins the competition. Sony will definitely avoid such backlash.
Prashant’s weaknesses: Prashant is less a performer and more of a singer. Indian Idol has to perform a lot too. Prashant is not a clever chap. He lacks communicating skills. He cannot connect to the stage audience. His Hindi and English language skills are relatively poor. He is shy and doesn’t dance. So he won’t be able to sell the Indian Idol brand.
But Prashant will go on to become a noted playback singer in Indian and Nepali music. Because he can sing very well. He is very sincere and down to earth. He is someone who could be trusted. He won’t be demanding. He is disciplined, dedicated and loyal. And every music directors love to work with such singers. One day sooner than later, Prashant will be singing some Bollywood hits and I am looking forward to that.
credit: (mr_bond from india-forums
Jul 17, 2007
Prashant interview..talks about Nepal...
Any message for your fans?
I am the first Nepali to be on this stage. I am sure my achievement is a matter of pride for the whole Nepali community across the world.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- interviewed..
Very rarely do you meet a policeman who can sing romantic songs. Indian Idol contestant Prashant Tamang, from Darjeeling, is a constable with Kolkata police who dreamt of becoming a singer. Though he never received any training, he listened to songs and picked up tunes. Once in the force, he joined its orchestra group and soon became popular.
Today, with the encouragement of his seniors and fellow constables, he is one of the 11 finalists of Indian Idol. Now, this soft-spoken policeman dreams of becoming a playback singer.
A singing policeman on the stage of Indian Idol. How did this happen?
I am a police constable. I joined Kolkata police force in 2002 and was in the special action force till 2006. At the end of 2006, an orchestra was formed within the department and I got a chance to perform in it. I gained a lot of confidence facing the audience there.
I never really watch Indian Idol, I never had the time. My seniors and colleagues encouraged me to participate and it is because of them that I am here today.
Despite being in special action force, did you secretly dream of becoming a singer?
Yes, I did dream of becoming a singer, but never thought it was possible. My father was in police and so my family expected me to become a policeman, too. But now I have the support of my colleagues.
Are you married? Or do you have a girlfriend?
No, I am not married. And I don’t have a girlfriend yet.
How do you rate your chances of winning the title?
Every contestant here is talented, some of them much more than me. I can win only if I perform really well. I want to request the janta to vote for the best singers. True talent should come up. India needs good singers and the deserving one should get the votes.
I don’t want to leave my friends behind just to climb the ladder. They’re like my family now. It makes me sad when anyone is eliminated.
Will you give up your job if you win the title?
If I win the title, I will do is talk to my seniors in the force and consult them about what to do. I’ve to get their permission. Of course, I dream of becoming a playback singer, but at the moment there are tough decisions to be taken.
I cannot leave the police force. It is because of them that I am here today. We’ll just have to see what happens later.
Which music directors do you dream of working with?
My favourite music directors are Jatin Lalit. If I win, and get a chance to sing for them, it will be a dream come true.
Who is your favourite judge and why?
Anu Maliik. He is very straightforward and says what is right, on your face. I don’t feel bad about it—it is important that we know our flaws at this stage.
Why are the performances a little low key in the Galas?
Yes, I agree the performances are not up to the mark. I guess we all are very tense and under pressure. Performances will definitely be better this week. I am trying hard to improve my performance.
You looked good in your suit. Are you concentrating on grooming yourself?
If we look good, we will become popular and thus get more votes. That is the only reason for my interest in designer clothes. Now that we have designers working for us, I would definitely like to take advantage of the opportunity.
Any message for your fans?
I am the first Nepali to be on this stage. I am sure my achievement is a matter of pride for the whole Nepali community across the world.
I am the first Nepali to be on this stage. I am sure my achievement is a matter of pride for the whole Nepali community across the world.
---------------------------------------------------------------------- interviewed..
Very rarely do you meet a policeman who can sing romantic songs. Indian Idol contestant Prashant Tamang, from Darjeeling, is a constable with Kolkata police who dreamt of becoming a singer. Though he never received any training, he listened to songs and picked up tunes. Once in the force, he joined its orchestra group and soon became popular.
Today, with the encouragement of his seniors and fellow constables, he is one of the 11 finalists of Indian Idol. Now, this soft-spoken policeman dreams of becoming a playback singer.
A singing policeman on the stage of Indian Idol. How did this happen?
I am a police constable. I joined Kolkata police force in 2002 and was in the special action force till 2006. At the end of 2006, an orchestra was formed within the department and I got a chance to perform in it. I gained a lot of confidence facing the audience there.
I never really watch Indian Idol, I never had the time. My seniors and colleagues encouraged me to participate and it is because of them that I am here today.
Despite being in special action force, did you secretly dream of becoming a singer?
Yes, I did dream of becoming a singer, but never thought it was possible. My father was in police and so my family expected me to become a policeman, too. But now I have the support of my colleagues.
Are you married? Or do you have a girlfriend?
No, I am not married. And I don’t have a girlfriend yet.
How do you rate your chances of winning the title?
Every contestant here is talented, some of them much more than me. I can win only if I perform really well. I want to request the janta to vote for the best singers. True talent should come up. India needs good singers and the deserving one should get the votes.
I don’t want to leave my friends behind just to climb the ladder. They’re like my family now. It makes me sad when anyone is eliminated.
Will you give up your job if you win the title?
If I win the title, I will do is talk to my seniors in the force and consult them about what to do. I’ve to get their permission. Of course, I dream of becoming a playback singer, but at the moment there are tough decisions to be taken.
I cannot leave the police force. It is because of them that I am here today. We’ll just have to see what happens later.
Which music directors do you dream of working with?
My favourite music directors are Jatin Lalit. If I win, and get a chance to sing for them, it will be a dream come true.
Who is your favourite judge and why?
Anu Maliik. He is very straightforward and says what is right, on your face. I don’t feel bad about it—it is important that we know our flaws at this stage.
Why are the performances a little low key in the Galas?
Yes, I agree the performances are not up to the mark. I guess we all are very tense and under pressure. Performances will definitely be better this week. I am trying hard to improve my performance.
You looked good in your suit. Are you concentrating on grooming yourself?
If we look good, we will become popular and thus get more votes. That is the only reason for my interest in designer clothes. Now that we have designers working for us, I would definitely like to take advantage of the opportunity.
Any message for your fans?
I am the first Nepali to be on this stage. I am sure my achievement is a matter of pride for the whole Nepali community across the world.
Jul 12, 2007
प्रशान्तलाई जिताउन प्रचार प्रसार तीव्र
July 12th, 2007
शिव मुखिया / एचकेनेपाल डट कम, इलाम -
इन्डियन आइडलको भिडन्तमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गरिरहेका नेपाली युवा प्रशान्त तामाङलाई जिताउन दार्जिलिङ, सिक्किम लगायतका ठाँउहरुमा प्रचार प्रसारलाई अरु वढी तीव्र वनाइएको छ। प्रशान्तलाई इन्डियन आइडल वन्न कामना गर्दै उनको पक्षमा भोट माग्न पश्चिम वंगाल र सिक्किमदेखि वाहिरको क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न समूहमा एवं संस्थागत रुपमै अहिले ठूलो दस्ता परिचालित छन्।
प्रशान्तलाइ जिताउनका लागि भोट माग्ने काम दार्जिलिङ र सिक्किममा मात्र सिमित नहोस् भनेर अन्य क्षेत्रमा प्रचार प्रसार कार्यक्रम शुरु गरिएको दार्जिलिङका नगर पार्षद तेन्जिङ खाम्पाछेले वताए। त्यसैगरी दार्जिलिङवाट प्रकाशित नेपाली दैनिक हिमालय दर्पणले प्रचार प्रसारकै लागि आफ्नो प्रतिनिधि मुम्वाईमा पठाएका छन्। “मुम्वाईमा करिव पाँच लाख नेपालीहरु वसोवास गरिरहेका छन्” हिमालय दर्पणका कार्यकारी सम्पादक विमल राई भन्छन् “त्यही नेपालीहरुमाझ प्रचार प्रसार गराउनका लागि हामीले ज्ञानेन्द्र अर्याललाई खटाएका छौ।” अर्याल अहिले मुम्वाईमा विभिन्न व्याक्तिहरु एवं नेपाली संस्थाहरुमार्फत प्रचार प्रसारका कार्यक्रमहरुमा व्यस्त रहेको वताइएको छ।
भारतीय गोर्खा परिसंघले भारतका २२ राज्यमा रहेका शाखा र क्षेत्रीय समितिहरुमार्फत प्रचार प्रसार शुरु गरेको छ। परिसंघले शनिवार एक विज्ञप्ती प्रकाशित गरी नेपालीकै मर्यादा र गौरवलाई शिखरमा पुर्याउन संघर्ष गरिरहेका प्रशान्तलाई होस्टेमा हैसे गर्नु कर्तव्य भएको ठहर गरेर प्रचार प्रसार गरेको जनाएको छ।
भारतीय प्रहरीमै कार्यरत प्रशान्तको पक्षमा भोट खसाल्नका लागि भारतीय प्रहरी पनि लागिपरेको छ। उनलाई भारतीय सेनाको पनि साथ मिलेको छ।
त्यसो त पश्चिम वंगाल र सिक्किममा प्रचार प्रसारलाई विगतको भन्दा वढी तीव्र वनाइएको छ। प्रशान्तलाई इन्डियन आइडलको रुपमा देख्न चाहनेहरु दिनहुँ र्याली र सभा गर्नमा व्यस्त देखिन्छ। सडकदेखि होटल, संघ सस्था, सार्वजनिक स्थल जताततै प्रशान्तकै व्यानर र पोस्टरले ढाकिएको छ। प्रशान्तको तस्विर अंकित टीसर्ट र टोपी लगाएर हिडिरहेका तन्नेरी पुस्ताका वाग्लै हुल देखिन्छ यहाँ। पश्चिम वंगाल र सिक्किममा इन्डियन आइडलको कार्यक्रम भइरहेको अवस्थामा विद्युत र केवल लाइन अवरुद्ध हुन नदिन सम्वन्धित कार्यालयले विषेश सतर्कता अपनाएका छन्। केही साताअघि मोवाइल सेवामा समस्या हुदाँ स्थानीयवासीले रिलायन्स कम्पनीको कार्यालयमा तोडफोड गरेपछि अहिले मोवाइल कम्पनीहरुले पनि विषेश सतर्कता अपनाएका छन्। त्यसो त स्थानियवासीको दवावकै कारण अहिले यस क्षेत्रको मोवाइल सेवा प्रभावकारी भएको छ। “यस अघि कहिल्यै पनि यति छिटो एसएमएस आदान प्रदान भएको थिएन।” दार्जिलिङस्थित सूचना तथा संस्कृति विभागका निर्देशक एवं संगीतकार मणीकमल क्षेत्री वताउछन्।
दार्जिलिङको तुमसुङमा २४ वर्षअघि जन्मिएका प्रशान्तले इन्डियन आइडलका लागि कोलकोतामा अडिसन दिएका थिए। १९ वर्षको उमेर कक्षा दशमा पढ्दा पढ्दै सन् २००२ मा प्रशान्त प्रहरी फोर्समा भर्ती भएका हुन्।
इलामबाट शिव मुखिया / एचकेनेपाल डट कम।
शिव मुखिया / एचकेनेपाल डट कम, इलाम -
इन्डियन आइडलको भिडन्तमा प्रतिस्पर्धा गरिरहेका नेपाली युवा प्रशान्त तामाङलाई जिताउन दार्जिलिङ, सिक्किम लगायतका ठाँउहरुमा प्रचार प्रसारलाई अरु वढी तीव्र वनाइएको छ। प्रशान्तलाई इन्डियन आइडल वन्न कामना गर्दै उनको पक्षमा भोट माग्न पश्चिम वंगाल र सिक्किमदेखि वाहिरको क्षेत्रमा विभिन्न समूहमा एवं संस्थागत रुपमै अहिले ठूलो दस्ता परिचालित छन्।
प्रशान्तलाइ जिताउनका लागि भोट माग्ने काम दार्जिलिङ र सिक्किममा मात्र सिमित नहोस् भनेर अन्य क्षेत्रमा प्रचार प्रसार कार्यक्रम शुरु गरिएको दार्जिलिङका नगर पार्षद तेन्जिङ खाम्पाछेले वताए। त्यसैगरी दार्जिलिङवाट प्रकाशित नेपाली दैनिक हिमालय दर्पणले प्रचार प्रसारकै लागि आफ्नो प्रतिनिधि मुम्वाईमा पठाएका छन्। “मुम्वाईमा करिव पाँच लाख नेपालीहरु वसोवास गरिरहेका छन्” हिमालय दर्पणका कार्यकारी सम्पादक विमल राई भन्छन् “त्यही नेपालीहरुमाझ प्रचार प्रसार गराउनका लागि हामीले ज्ञानेन्द्र अर्याललाई खटाएका छौ।” अर्याल अहिले मुम्वाईमा विभिन्न व्याक्तिहरु एवं नेपाली संस्थाहरुमार्फत प्रचार प्रसारका कार्यक्रमहरुमा व्यस्त रहेको वताइएको छ।
भारतीय गोर्खा परिसंघले भारतका २२ राज्यमा रहेका शाखा र क्षेत्रीय समितिहरुमार्फत प्रचार प्रसार शुरु गरेको छ। परिसंघले शनिवार एक विज्ञप्ती प्रकाशित गरी नेपालीकै मर्यादा र गौरवलाई शिखरमा पुर्याउन संघर्ष गरिरहेका प्रशान्तलाई होस्टेमा हैसे गर्नु कर्तव्य भएको ठहर गरेर प्रचार प्रसार गरेको जनाएको छ।
भारतीय प्रहरीमै कार्यरत प्रशान्तको पक्षमा भोट खसाल्नका लागि भारतीय प्रहरी पनि लागिपरेको छ। उनलाई भारतीय सेनाको पनि साथ मिलेको छ।
त्यसो त पश्चिम वंगाल र सिक्किममा प्रचार प्रसारलाई विगतको भन्दा वढी तीव्र वनाइएको छ। प्रशान्तलाई इन्डियन आइडलको रुपमा देख्न चाहनेहरु दिनहुँ र्याली र सभा गर्नमा व्यस्त देखिन्छ। सडकदेखि होटल, संघ सस्था, सार्वजनिक स्थल जताततै प्रशान्तकै व्यानर र पोस्टरले ढाकिएको छ। प्रशान्तको तस्विर अंकित टीसर्ट र टोपी लगाएर हिडिरहेका तन्नेरी पुस्ताका वाग्लै हुल देखिन्छ यहाँ। पश्चिम वंगाल र सिक्किममा इन्डियन आइडलको कार्यक्रम भइरहेको अवस्थामा विद्युत र केवल लाइन अवरुद्ध हुन नदिन सम्वन्धित कार्यालयले विषेश सतर्कता अपनाएका छन्। केही साताअघि मोवाइल सेवामा समस्या हुदाँ स्थानीयवासीले रिलायन्स कम्पनीको कार्यालयमा तोडफोड गरेपछि अहिले मोवाइल कम्पनीहरुले पनि विषेश सतर्कता अपनाएका छन्। त्यसो त स्थानियवासीको दवावकै कारण अहिले यस क्षेत्रको मोवाइल सेवा प्रभावकारी भएको छ। “यस अघि कहिल्यै पनि यति छिटो एसएमएस आदान प्रदान भएको थिएन।” दार्जिलिङस्थित सूचना तथा संस्कृति विभागका निर्देशक एवं संगीतकार मणीकमल क्षेत्री वताउछन्।
दार्जिलिङको तुमसुङमा २४ वर्षअघि जन्मिएका प्रशान्तले इन्डियन आइडलका लागि कोलकोतामा अडिसन दिएका थिए। १९ वर्षको उमेर कक्षा दशमा पढ्दा पढ्दै सन् २००२ मा प्रशान्त प्रहरी फोर्समा भर्ती भएका हुन्।
इलामबाट शिव मुखिया / एचकेनेपाल डट कम।
Jul 11, 2007
Bush's Immigration Plan Dies in Senate
Posted: 2007-06-29 01:21:24
WASHINGTON (June 29) - President Bush's immigration plan to legalize as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants while fortifying the border collapsed in the Senate on Thursday, crushing both parties' hopes of addressing the volatile issue before the 2008 elections.
"Grand Bargain" Fails
News Bloggers: 'Dumbocracy in Action'
The Senate vote to drive a stake through the delicate compromise was a stinging setback for Bush - who had made reshaping immigration laws a centerpiece of his domestic agenda - engineered by members of his own party.
It could carry heavy political consequences for Republicans and Democrats, many of whom were eager to show they could act on a complex issue of great interest to the public.
"Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American people and Congress' failure to act on it is a disappointment," a grim-faced president said after an appearance in Newport, R.I. "A lot of us worked hard to see if we couldn't find common ground. It didn't work."
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., his party's lead negotiator on the bill, called its defeat "enormously disappointing for Congress and for the country." But, he added: "We will be back. This issue is not going away."
The bill's Senate supporters fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed to limit debate and clear the way for final passage of the legislation. The tally was 46 to 53, with three-quarters of the Senate's Republicans voting to derail the bill.
Lawmakers in both parties said further action was unlikely this year, dooming its prospects as the political strains of a crowded presidential contest get louder.
Only 13 percent of those in a CBS News Survey taken earlier this week said they supported passage of the bill. Almost three times that number, 35 percent, opposed it. Even more, 51 percent, said they did not know enough about the immigration legislation to say whether they supported passage.
"I believe that until another election occurs, or until something happens in the body politic, that what occurred today was fairly final," said Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., the GOP chairman.
"I don't see where the political will is there for this issue to be dealt with," said Martinez, who helped develop the bill.
House Democratic leaders signaled they had little appetite for taking up an issue that bitterly divides both parties and has tied up the Senate for weeks.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who heads the House Judiciary subcommittee that was to write a version of the bill, said the Senate's inability to move forward "effectively ends comprehensive immigration reform efforts" for the next year and a half.
"The Senate voted for the status quo," the California Democrat said in a statement.
The vote already had led to partisan finger-pointing.
Howard Dean, the Democratic Party chairman, said it was "a reminder of why the American people voted Republicans out in 2006 and why they'll vote against them in 2008."
The measure was the product of a liberal-to-conservative alliance led by Kennedy and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., that forged an immigration compromise intended to withstand challenges from the left and right.
They advocated the resulting measure as an imperfect but necessary fix to the current system, in which millions of illegal immigrants use forged documents or lapsed visas to live and work in the U.S.
The proposal would have made those millions eligible for lawful status while tightening border security and creating an employee verification system to weed out illegal workers from U.S. jobs.
The bill also would have set up a temporary worker program and a system to base future legal immigration more heavily on employment criteria, rather than family ties.
Ultimately, though, what came to be known as their "grand bargain" commanded only lukewarm support among important constituencies in both parties. That was no match for the vehement and vocal opposition of Republican conservatives, who derided it as amnesty.
"The end result was a blanket that was too small to cover everyone," said Tamar Jacoby, an analyst at the conservative Manhattan Institute who was a strong supporter. "By its nature, because it was a compromise, it was hard to muster intense support. But the opposition was very intense."
Conservative foes' were among the loudest voices during the debate, led by Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., Jim DeMint, R-S.C., and David Vitter, R-La. Their views were amplified by talk radio and television hosts who attacked the bill and urged listeners to flood Congress with calls, faxes and e-mails.
The conservatives hailed the demise of the bill as a fitting death of an effort that had thwarted the public's will. They faulted Bush and their own party for trying to push through a measure that lacked public support and placed Republicans in a politically tough spot.
"They made a big mistake. I think the president's approach didn't work," Sessions said. Republicans "need to be careful we don't walk into such an adverse circumstance again. This did not work out well. Our own members were placed in difficult positions."
Bush made an unusually personal appeal for passage of the legislation, appearing at a luncheon with Senate Republicans this month to urge them to put aside their skepticism.
He sent Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, as well as his top policy aides, to spend hours in Capitol Hill meetings with senators over a period of months to develop and then help push through the deal.
The two secretaries were on hand to buttonhole senators as they entered the chamber for votes.
The outcome, though, was a stunning reversal from just a few weeks ago, when Bush confidently declared, "I'll see you at the bill-signing."
Mexico's president, Felipe Calderon, said the Senate had made a "grave error" in killing the legislation. The action, he said, would cut off legal immigration, permit continued unlawful immigration and human rights violations and decrease security on both sides of the border.
Voting to allow the bill to proceed by ending debate were 33 Democrats, 12 Republicans and independent Joe Lieberman, Conn. Opposing that effort were 37 Republicans, 15 Democrats and independent Bernard Sanders, Vt. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., who has been absent from the Senate all year due to an illness, did not vote.
In a mark of lawmakers' ambivalence on the issue, the outcome was substantially different from a test-vote earlier in the week, when the Senate voted 64-35 to revive the bill. Then, 24 Republicans joined 39 Democrats and Lieberman to move ahead with the bill. On Thursday, 12 of those Republicans and six of the Democrats switched their votes and opposed moving forward.
All the Democratic presidential candidates in the Senate voted to end debate and advance the bill. Among the Republican candidates, only Sen. John McCain of Arizona voted to keep the measure alive.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2007-06-29 00:54:52
Posted: 2007-06-29 01:21:24
WASHINGTON (June 29) - President Bush's immigration plan to legalize as many as 12 million unlawful immigrants while fortifying the border collapsed in the Senate on Thursday, crushing both parties' hopes of addressing the volatile issue before the 2008 elections.
"Grand Bargain" Fails
News Bloggers: 'Dumbocracy in Action'
The Senate vote to drive a stake through the delicate compromise was a stinging setback for Bush - who had made reshaping immigration laws a centerpiece of his domestic agenda - engineered by members of his own party.
It could carry heavy political consequences for Republicans and Democrats, many of whom were eager to show they could act on a complex issue of great interest to the public.
"Legal immigration is one of the top concerns of the American people and Congress' failure to act on it is a disappointment," a grim-faced president said after an appearance in Newport, R.I. "A lot of us worked hard to see if we couldn't find common ground. It didn't work."
Sen. Edward M. Kennedy, D-Mass., his party's lead negotiator on the bill, called its defeat "enormously disappointing for Congress and for the country." But, he added: "We will be back. This issue is not going away."
The bill's Senate supporters fell 14 votes short of the 60 needed to limit debate and clear the way for final passage of the legislation. The tally was 46 to 53, with three-quarters of the Senate's Republicans voting to derail the bill.
Lawmakers in both parties said further action was unlikely this year, dooming its prospects as the political strains of a crowded presidential contest get louder.
Only 13 percent of those in a CBS News Survey taken earlier this week said they supported passage of the bill. Almost three times that number, 35 percent, opposed it. Even more, 51 percent, said they did not know enough about the immigration legislation to say whether they supported passage.
"I believe that until another election occurs, or until something happens in the body politic, that what occurred today was fairly final," said Sen. Mel Martinez, R-Fla., the GOP chairman.
"I don't see where the political will is there for this issue to be dealt with," said Martinez, who helped develop the bill.
House Democratic leaders signaled they had little appetite for taking up an issue that bitterly divides both parties and has tied up the Senate for weeks.
Rep. Zoe Lofgren, who heads the House Judiciary subcommittee that was to write a version of the bill, said the Senate's inability to move forward "effectively ends comprehensive immigration reform efforts" for the next year and a half.
"The Senate voted for the status quo," the California Democrat said in a statement.
The vote already had led to partisan finger-pointing.
Howard Dean, the Democratic Party chairman, said it was "a reminder of why the American people voted Republicans out in 2006 and why they'll vote against them in 2008."
The measure was the product of a liberal-to-conservative alliance led by Kennedy and Sen. Jon Kyl, R-Ariz., that forged an immigration compromise intended to withstand challenges from the left and right.
They advocated the resulting measure as an imperfect but necessary fix to the current system, in which millions of illegal immigrants use forged documents or lapsed visas to live and work in the U.S.
The proposal would have made those millions eligible for lawful status while tightening border security and creating an employee verification system to weed out illegal workers from U.S. jobs.
The bill also would have set up a temporary worker program and a system to base future legal immigration more heavily on employment criteria, rather than family ties.
Ultimately, though, what came to be known as their "grand bargain" commanded only lukewarm support among important constituencies in both parties. That was no match for the vehement and vocal opposition of Republican conservatives, who derided it as amnesty.
"The end result was a blanket that was too small to cover everyone," said Tamar Jacoby, an analyst at the conservative Manhattan Institute who was a strong supporter. "By its nature, because it was a compromise, it was hard to muster intense support. But the opposition was very intense."
Conservative foes' were among the loudest voices during the debate, led by Sens. Jeff Sessions, R-Ala., Jim DeMint, R-S.C., and David Vitter, R-La. Their views were amplified by talk radio and television hosts who attacked the bill and urged listeners to flood Congress with calls, faxes and e-mails.
The conservatives hailed the demise of the bill as a fitting death of an effort that had thwarted the public's will. They faulted Bush and their own party for trying to push through a measure that lacked public support and placed Republicans in a politically tough spot.
"They made a big mistake. I think the president's approach didn't work," Sessions said. Republicans "need to be careful we don't walk into such an adverse circumstance again. This did not work out well. Our own members were placed in difficult positions."
Bush made an unusually personal appeal for passage of the legislation, appearing at a luncheon with Senate Republicans this month to urge them to put aside their skepticism.
He sent Homeland Security Secretary Michael Chertoff and Commerce Secretary Carlos Gutierrez, as well as his top policy aides, to spend hours in Capitol Hill meetings with senators over a period of months to develop and then help push through the deal.
The two secretaries were on hand to buttonhole senators as they entered the chamber for votes.
The outcome, though, was a stunning reversal from just a few weeks ago, when Bush confidently declared, "I'll see you at the bill-signing."
Mexico's president, Felipe Calderon, said the Senate had made a "grave error" in killing the legislation. The action, he said, would cut off legal immigration, permit continued unlawful immigration and human rights violations and decrease security on both sides of the border.
Voting to allow the bill to proceed by ending debate were 33 Democrats, 12 Republicans and independent Joe Lieberman, Conn. Opposing that effort were 37 Republicans, 15 Democrats and independent Bernard Sanders, Vt. Tim Johnson, D-S.D., who has been absent from the Senate all year due to an illness, did not vote.
In a mark of lawmakers' ambivalence on the issue, the outcome was substantially different from a test-vote earlier in the week, when the Senate voted 64-35 to revive the bill. Then, 24 Republicans joined 39 Democrats and Lieberman to move ahead with the bill. On Thursday, 12 of those Republicans and six of the Democrats switched their votes and opposed moving forward.
All the Democratic presidential candidates in the Senate voted to end debate and advance the bill. Among the Republican candidates, only Sen. John McCain of Arizona voted to keep the measure alive.
Copyright 2007 The Associated Press. The information contained in the AP news report may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or otherwise distributed without the prior written authority of The Associated Press. All active hyperlinks have been inserted by AOL.
2007-06-29 00:54:52
Jun 27, 2007
Prasant to be next INDIAN IDOL
Darjeeling’s favorite son looks to conquer Indian Idol
Kantipur Report
DARJEELING, June 27 - The pristine green hills of Darjeeling are awash with a newfound craze that has gripped the region’s mostly Nepali population. The object of the mania: “Prashant Tamang”, the 24-year old who shot past thousands to reach the top ten slot on Indian Idol, a popular Indian reality show modeled on the US version, American Idol.
The “craze” has also stoked an unprecedented unity among the Nepali community in Darjeeling at a time when their search for self-identity has given birth to a divided mentality.
Everyone is united in the bid to make Tamang the next Indian Idol. The hills of Darjeeling are painted with banners, pamphlets and stickers bearing Tamang’s photo while rallies and meetings are held every day in his honour.
Prashant has been unwittingly delineated as the “pride of the entire Nepali population residing in India.”
“We had never seen unity of such scale till date,” senior mucisian Kumar Subba said, “Prashant has erased ethnical division in a snap.”
According to him, signs of division had began appear among the Nepali community due to the separate sloganeering of Rai, Limbu and Tamang.
“He stands as a symbol of ethnic unity,” Subba said, “Prashant’s fire has covered the hills of Darjeeling”.
The pamphlets urging the population to vote for Prashant in the Indian Idol dot every city centre, markets, public places and even alleyways and rural villages.
There are even T-shirts flaunting Prashant’s face on them.
Prashant is the topic of discussion in every gatherings and daily conversations among the Indian’s of Nepali origin in Darjeeling, Kalingpong, Kurseong, Mirik, Sikkim, Doers, among others while poetically written banners bearing his smiling countenance plaster the marketplaces.
One Pema Gyalmo Bhutiya we came across in the local market has already sent 300 SMS votes to the show – where contestants are qualified or disqualified based on SMSs sent by voters -- for Prashant.
”A son of the hills must win the contest,” she says.
Local youths have also made arrangements to watch the show on a large screen at the Mirik city center while those from the rural villages that do not have access to cable TV travel up to the city to watch the Indian Idol.
It has become almost of a tradition to call in Prashant’s family members to hold rallies and meetings.
Such rallies and gatherings have already taken place in Mirik, Kalingpong, Gantok and Siliguri. A rally was held in Kurseong today that featured Prashant’s grandmother and sister.
An all-India signature campaign to rally support for Prashant has been launched by the “Himalaya Darpan” daily which is published from Siliguri which collected 40 thousand signatures on just the second day.
Mirik city Chief TB Rai has announced that SMSs worth Rs 10,000 would be sent to vote for Prashant while municipality workers have pledged to spend their one month’s salary on SMSs for Prashant.
During a musical program at Chaurasta last Monday, lawmaker Pranaya Rai handed Rs 10,000 for voting purpose. Withing half an hour, Rs 21,000 more was collected.
Prashant’s fans in places as far as Hong Kong, UK, Brunei, UAE are joining the cause by sending money through banks.
“There used to be a time when Darjeeling evoked images of Mt Kanchanjunga, Tea and trains,” MP Rai said, “Now, Darjeeling will be known for Prashant”.
Prashant became the talk of the town after leapfrogging over 25,000 Indian Idol hopefuls in the audition round and 66 more in the piano round to reach the gala “Top Ten”.
“I respect his courage,” 65 year old senior musician Dil Maya Khati said.
Kantipur Report
DARJEELING, June 27 - The pristine green hills of Darjeeling are awash with a newfound craze that has gripped the region’s mostly Nepali population. The object of the mania: “Prashant Tamang”, the 24-year old who shot past thousands to reach the top ten slot on Indian Idol, a popular Indian reality show modeled on the US version, American Idol.
The “craze” has also stoked an unprecedented unity among the Nepali community in Darjeeling at a time when their search for self-identity has given birth to a divided mentality.
Everyone is united in the bid to make Tamang the next Indian Idol. The hills of Darjeeling are painted with banners, pamphlets and stickers bearing Tamang’s photo while rallies and meetings are held every day in his honour.
Prashant has been unwittingly delineated as the “pride of the entire Nepali population residing in India.”
“We had never seen unity of such scale till date,” senior mucisian Kumar Subba said, “Prashant has erased ethnical division in a snap.”
According to him, signs of division had began appear among the Nepali community due to the separate sloganeering of Rai, Limbu and Tamang.
“He stands as a symbol of ethnic unity,” Subba said, “Prashant’s fire has covered the hills of Darjeeling”.
The pamphlets urging the population to vote for Prashant in the Indian Idol dot every city centre, markets, public places and even alleyways and rural villages.
There are even T-shirts flaunting Prashant’s face on them.
Prashant is the topic of discussion in every gatherings and daily conversations among the Indian’s of Nepali origin in Darjeeling, Kalingpong, Kurseong, Mirik, Sikkim, Doers, among others while poetically written banners bearing his smiling countenance plaster the marketplaces.
One Pema Gyalmo Bhutiya we came across in the local market has already sent 300 SMS votes to the show – where contestants are qualified or disqualified based on SMSs sent by voters -- for Prashant.
”A son of the hills must win the contest,” she says.
Local youths have also made arrangements to watch the show on a large screen at the Mirik city center while those from the rural villages that do not have access to cable TV travel up to the city to watch the Indian Idol.
It has become almost of a tradition to call in Prashant’s family members to hold rallies and meetings.
Such rallies and gatherings have already taken place in Mirik, Kalingpong, Gantok and Siliguri. A rally was held in Kurseong today that featured Prashant’s grandmother and sister.
An all-India signature campaign to rally support for Prashant has been launched by the “Himalaya Darpan” daily which is published from Siliguri which collected 40 thousand signatures on just the second day.
Mirik city Chief TB Rai has announced that SMSs worth Rs 10,000 would be sent to vote for Prashant while municipality workers have pledged to spend their one month’s salary on SMSs for Prashant.
During a musical program at Chaurasta last Monday, lawmaker Pranaya Rai handed Rs 10,000 for voting purpose. Withing half an hour, Rs 21,000 more was collected.
Prashant’s fans in places as far as Hong Kong, UK, Brunei, UAE are joining the cause by sending money through banks.
“There used to be a time when Darjeeling evoked images of Mt Kanchanjunga, Tea and trains,” MP Rai said, “Now, Darjeeling will be known for Prashant”.
Prashant became the talk of the town after leapfrogging over 25,000 Indian Idol hopefuls in the audition round and 66 more in the piano round to reach the gala “Top Ten”.
“I respect his courage,” 65 year old senior musician Dil Maya Khati said.
Jun 21, 2007
Jun 3, 2007
honey hunter..
Hi, this is the small clip of video honey hunter...this video foucus how people hunt honey..
i hope that you will enjoy this video..
i hope that you will enjoy this video..
us minister in nepal
US Asst Secretary of State urges eight parties to pass polls bills
Kantipur Reports
KATHMANDU, June 2 - Visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Barry Lowenkron on Saturday urged the eight parties to pass the bills related to the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections immediately and to improve the law and order situation in the country.
Addressing a press meet at the American center in the capital prior to his departure, the US diplomat lauded the eight-party decision to hold the CA elections in November but urged the parties to make necessary arrangements for free and impartial polls soon.
"We congratulate Prime Minister Koirala and the political parties for announcing that Constituent Assembly elections will be held by December 15, and most likely in November," the US diplomat said, adding, "We now urge the Interim Government to draft and pass the necessary election laws and to provide security across the country".
Lowekron expressed concern that the Maoists were not abiding by the commitments they made while signing the peace agreement.
Stating that his government believed that polls and guns cannot go together in a democratic process, Lowekron added that there could be no role of fear, violence and intimidation in a democratic process and that the use of violence as a political tool would be unacceptable.
"The peace agreement contains clear commitments that have yet to be honored by the Maoists. The message of the United States is clear: one cannot have ballots and bullets in a democratic process. Intimidation and violence have no roles whatsoever in the democratic process of any country. Nothing justifies the use of violence as a legitimate political tool," Lowekron said.
Kantipur Reports
KATHMANDU, June 2 - Visiting US Assistant Secretary of State for Democracy, Human Rights and Labor, Barry Lowenkron on Saturday urged the eight parties to pass the bills related to the Constituent Assembly (CA) elections immediately and to improve the law and order situation in the country.
Addressing a press meet at the American center in the capital prior to his departure, the US diplomat lauded the eight-party decision to hold the CA elections in November but urged the parties to make necessary arrangements for free and impartial polls soon.
"We congratulate Prime Minister Koirala and the political parties for announcing that Constituent Assembly elections will be held by December 15, and most likely in November," the US diplomat said, adding, "We now urge the Interim Government to draft and pass the necessary election laws and to provide security across the country".
Lowekron expressed concern that the Maoists were not abiding by the commitments they made while signing the peace agreement.
Stating that his government believed that polls and guns cannot go together in a democratic process, Lowekron added that there could be no role of fear, violence and intimidation in a democratic process and that the use of violence as a political tool would be unacceptable.
"The peace agreement contains clear commitments that have yet to be honored by the Maoists. The message of the United States is clear: one cannot have ballots and bullets in a democratic process. Intimidation and violence have no roles whatsoever in the democratic process of any country. Nothing justifies the use of violence as a legitimate political tool," Lowekron said.
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